Recently, I read the article,“THE OVERLAND INDUSTRY AND SOCIAL MEDIA CULTURE: IS INSTAGRAM KILLING ADVENTURE?” that was shared to the Bad Ass Bronco Enthusiasts (BABE) page by one of our BABE Admins, Laura. The article
spoke about the effect of social media and the 4x4 world. For me, that is a love/hate relationship that will always be in my mind. I love the people I meet during my travels, but I don’t always like the social media upkeep that can be expected!

The use of social media has had its benefits for me. It is through social media that the meeting of the ever elusive “Patch Crew” became a reality. Where did we meet, you ask? Well, online in the Bronco6g forum! This is a small group of individuals who continue to stay in the depths of the forum. One person in the crew sends the other crew members very cool patches to attach to our bronco liners. To this day, I think we have received over 25 patches!

We first met in 2020 over our ever-growing love of the 6G bronco, and now here we are years later, in person, on our first trip to Canyonlands National Park in Utah. We had three amazing people who started the planning and got us the camp sites and permits - our destination was White Rim Road. 15 people in total met up: seven Broncos, and one Toyota Tundra!
It was a crisp March 20th morning when we took off. We had perfect weather for the entirety of the trip, and as a little rain cut the dust for us, we had most of the road to ourselves! We covered those 100 miles like pros. We camped at the top of one of the most amazing places with vast views. If you ever get the chance…GO…take that road called White Rim. You won’t ever regret it!

Take that road with some good friends, family, or some people you’ve met on social media with like-minded aspirations!! Put your phone down and just take the time to absorb the views. I promise you’ll forever have those memories imprinted into your brain!

So, to end, social media can be a great thing because it is responsible for the existence of the Patch Crew, the BABEs group and Admins, and for introducing me to all of the amazing people I’ve met that were brought together because of the coolest 4x4 on the planet. I’d never trade that for the world.