Do you have a favorite Ford Tech?!!
Sometimes bad things happen...but then it turns into the best thing ever! That’s what happened to me and my Bronco Mae Pearl back in December of 2022.
Let me enlighten y’all.

It was a December morning like any other and I was rolling down the highway about 65 mph when suddenly, Mae Pearl came to a screeching halt! I had no idea what happened, but I was very grateful that no one was behind me, and no crashes or injuries occurred. Lucky for us we were only three miles from town, and was able to get towed to the best Ford Tech ever, Tyler Moore! The diagnosis: my front differential gears exploded and cracked the housing! I was initially fearful that I would be without Mae for a long time, but luck was on my side and the parts needed were available, so Tyler went to work.

Not only did Tyler fix my differential, but he also did the majority of my modifications that I’ve listed below. Tyler has helped with tie rod braces, front bumper, steps, wiring for lights, and lots of skid plates (from big to small) including the most important and necessary skid plate for me, the front differential skid.

He has some amazing friends in the racing business who are really fabbin’ Mae Pearl on up and I couldn’t be happier!

Also, I’d like to give a shout out to a good friend and fellow bronco owner, Jim Owens. Jim has also helped me with a few cosmetic mods as well as popping out few dents. Jim is handy with those mods and has done all the modifications on his own Bronco, Shadow!
After the installation of the last skid, Mae Pearl is well prepared for anything I can throw at her; from medium off-roading to all the exploring we can handle!! And that’s what it is all about, right? Get out there and explore!

List of MaePearl’s mods:
Front Bumper- DV8 Competition
Flare Deletes- 4 Wheel Parts
BYOB Rail- 4 Wheel Parts
MAEPRL- Oracle Letters
KC Hi-Lights- Amber Pods
Side Steps- Mountain2Metal
Sasquatch Basket- Mountains2Metal
Door Sills- Sticker Fab
Skid Plates- JCR Offroad
Ditch Lights- Diode Dynamics
Rear Bumper- SRQ Fabrications (Done by SRQ Fabrications at their FL facility)